NETS-T Mind Map


In preparation for my credential application, I analyzed the five NETS-T standards and planned out a group of artifacts for submission to the CCTC (California Commission on Teacher Credentialing) using a mind map.  Working on a digital “bulletin board" at, I was able to create a different box for each NETS-T Standard and add text from the standards to describe a specific artifact.  The completed mind map can be viewed in its entirety, exported as a JPEG or PDF file, or saved and printed. also allows for selecting boxes on the map in a desired order so that each box can then be viewed consecutively as a pleasing presentation.  By learning a computer-based way to create graphic organizers--like mind maps, timelines, or storyboards--I was able to utilize a proven pedagogical tool while adapting it to the current technological context, as required to meet NETS II.  This digital design tool will allow me to upgrade the quality and flexibility of the teaching aids I create for my students and help me develop a more technologically-enriched learning environment in my classroom.

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